Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Split into upper and lower egypt.
Nile flows north into Medeterranian Sea.
Narmer-wears crown of upper and lower Egypt-leader who united upper and lower Egypt by force...
Pyramids were topped in limestone to reflect the light, because they thought pharoahs were the personification of God.
Pyramids of Gize--
Old kingdom starts in 2649 BC and is the first dynasty(children became leaders)
Parahos always wearing headress, ornament on their chin, and wearing a skirt, and no chest clothes.
Egyttian sculptures were made of stone, and Greeks were not..In an Egyptian sculpture, there is never space between the legs..if there is it is a forgery.

Only used to bury the pharoah and his family
Built by engineers, and professional workers, slaves worked the farms and ran the dailies in the city while the pyramids were being built.Without slaves they wouldnt have been able to make the pyramids.
Slave men-executed or in the other mans army
Women- prostitutes or work
Children- exectuted or..
Morturary cities- cities bulit for the burial of the pharaoh
Haratus-"father of history"
Ka-Life force..believed when you die your "Ka" was released and hang out in the pyramid and look at all the pretty stuff in the pyramid. The Ka was then called for judgement. The God weighs their heart against a feather and if it balances out they get to go to the afterlife. They stood facing the way they do so they could see the whole body.

Mainly carved in stone, but also can be on papyrus. NOT pictures that stand for something..they represent a sound

1.Take out internal organs..put them in canopi jars.

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