Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alexander the Great

480BC Defeated the Persians- Athenian league formed and built Parthenon, Arts, Theater-Age of Pericles
Spartans challenge Athens and go to war and battle on the planes of Attica-Hoplite warfare-Stalemate
Athenians built "The Long Wall"..built walls from harbor to one can get to Athens.However,trapped in the walls and the Plague breaks out..Pericles dies because of it.
Spartans had allies and outposts in Sicily..Since Athens had an awesome Navy they invaded Sicily- "Sicilian expedition". Before ships left, someone vandalised the ships and convinced everyone it was Alcibiades, who thought of the idea. They had a trial without him there and convicted him. He fled to Sparta. Alcibiades probably told Sparta what was going to happen. When Athens got to Sicily there were forces waiting for them and Athenians were ambushed.

Lived in Macedonia..Taught by Aristotle.His Dad was the king of Macedon and was assassinated when Alex was 19. Alex became king. He avenges his fathers death and then proceeds to take over the world. He also tries to invade and conquer the time he is around 24 he ruled most of the known world. No one really at Peria, but it is the symbolism that counts..has a few more battles along the way and comes to Gordian. The legend was that if anyone who could undo a crazy impossible knot would become the ruler of the world. He took out his sword and chopped it in half..and said "It doesn't matter how you undo the knot". When he gets to Egypt, and tells them he hates Persia, everyone loves him. He and his friends go on a road trip and get to an oasis called Siwa..there is an oracle and the oracle greets him as "The son of God" -- Amon(Zeus) He tries to get to Persepolis
The Battle of Issus: Alex puts his cavalry on the weak side and then went toward the middle. Called a Weak Side Attack.
Darius,Persian King, is left for dead and in his dying words left the kingdom to Alexander. Alex, went after the guy who left Darius for dead. He went after because he wants the population of Persia to like him. Alex follows Bethus into Afghanistan to the Hindu Kusch mountains. Alex goes the difficult path and ambush's Bethus and cuts his tongue, ears, and nose off.Bethus was sent off for impalation.
Alex comes down to India and as soon as he comes to the border he was being attacked daily..He gets hit with an arrow in the lung, but he survives. His army and him have a confrontation. He wants to go further, but his men do not want to go. He tells his army that they can go home. But they dont know where home is. He allowed them to marry Persians and he started dressing like the king. How did Persia change Alexander? He goes back up to Babylon. In Babylon, he loses a dear friend in an accident and becomes depressd. Through his binge drinking and all his wounds he becomes ill and dies. He didnt die in a blaze of glory or on the battle field. All the places he conquered were given to his generals. The whole empire was split up. The Seleucid part was the eastern empire. The other major empire was Egypt under the rule of Ptolemy.
The era is called the Hellenistic Age.

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