Thursday, January 28, 2010

All You Need Is Change

Change. Change is either liked or disliked. Change is either good or bad. Change is definitely needed in every one's life. You walk into your local Burger King and order a triple whopper with fries and a Coke, just like everyday.Does that not get boring or repetitive? Some people like change and some people are afraid of change. Change, however, is good. Everyone needs to mix it up every once in a while, whether that is changing what they eat at a fast food restaurant or getting a new haircut. Change affects us in many different ways. If you order the same type of food every single time you walk into your favorite fast food restaurant, you will not try any new food item that you might possibly enjoy much better than your normal food choice. Who knows? you might even find a new favorite. Let us say that there is a young teenage girl that is a little shy and does not have many friends. One day she decided that its time she tries to be more outgoing and not be shy. She starts her mission by getting a new and improved haircut. Walking into school the next day, she feels more confident and ready to make new friends. All this comes from a new haircut because it changed and inspired her to be someone different. Many people dislike change because they like their normal routine and it works for them. If they do not try new things, though, they might miss an opportunity to find new things that could improve their normal routine.

There are, at times, when change can be a bad thing. If a country was working perfectly fine with its democratic ruler, but then suddenly, the whole country is taken over and is ruled by a horrible dictatorship. This change would not be for the better of the country. The dictatorship could lead the entire country into ruins and kill millions of people. This sort of change is definitely bad.

Good change is not necessarily the material things like changing your hair. There can be the change of your personality or life style. Personalities are basically the soul of a person. If you have a bad personality then you might not be very popular since no one likes your personality. If suddenly someone has a change of heart and decides they need to change their personality because they are sick and tired of either being mean or being disliked. This change is obviously for the good. Sometimes people need to find a new life that they would enjoy better. Maybe they did not like they area they were living in or they did not like the weather, but whatever it was they needed a change that would be for the good of their living. They might just get up and hit the road, looking for a new city and a new life.

I asked a few John Carroll students their opinions on change. Leanne, a freshman, says, "Change is something that you can not really help from happening. Everything changes in one way or another and that is what shapes the world we live in." This is very true. Without change there would only repetition. We would be doing everything we normally do every day and there would be no liveliness in life.

Sam Clarke,also a fellow freshman, says, " Change is neither good nor bad, you can change it for the good or change it for the bad. It is an inevitable thing that can not be stopped, but it helps us evolve as human beings today." This is also a very true statement. Change happens whether you like it or not. This could be a change in the menu of your favorite restaurant or they do not make your favorite type of writing utensil anymore so you have to use another one.

Jake Wrzesien, a junior, says, "Personally I like change because it gives you the change to discover who you really are. " When you change you are being forced out of your element. If you want to change and become more artsy then you are trying new things that you are not used to. This could be different at first and maybe a little weird, but it is for the better.

Overtime history has experienced change. Our lives change every second as does technology and the weather. In the past you could be with the nice crowd at school, but in a second everything can change and you meet someone else that is not very good. They could be in with drugs and alcohol and pull you in a long with them. In the past you were a nice good person, but then your life could change and go in the wrong direction. This is an example of a bad sort of change. A good example of change is getting married. In the past you meet a wonderful male or female significant other and make the decision to take the next step. In the past, these to significant others were just friends and then boyfriend and girlfriend. They both equally decided to get married and experience a good change in both of their lives. Matrimony is a wonderful experience for both of the two people speaking the vowels.

As said before, change is good and bad. Many people think that change is a good thing and mostly it is. Everyone needs a little mixing up in their lives that makes their life not boring and monotonous. Change is also a real big part of history. It sometimes changes history for the good and the bad. The bad changes can be devastating or exciting. Either way, to live in this world you will experience all sorts of change. This change could be as little as writing in different colored ink or having a baby. As quoted in the song All Star by Smash Mouth, "We could all use a little change..."

Jan 28.


Neolithic-> Early Bronze Age- 3000 BC--culture at the Indus Valley-- Called Harrapen civilization--2 major cities Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro

Hindus stayed in India.

Modern Pakistan has many deserts and hills. River goes through middle of it. The cities grow around the river..

Along the river around 3000 BC--they invented city wide public sewer facilities (toilets).--were smart, knew how to make agriculture, they had time to create because already had food and shelter, intense amount of trade and intellectual

Boule-stamps?-had to have some form of travel, have trade in other places, communication with people along the trade rates.

Just because your on top does not mean you are always going to be there.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is History?

History is the study of past events. When I just wrote the sentence "History is the study of past events.", that is considered history because it happened in the past. History is not necessarily the study of the major events that happened such as wars or famous people, but the small events such as what someone had for breakfast this morning or what kind of shampoo they used while in the shower. History is all the small things that have occurred in someones lifetime and not just a famous person's lifetime. A lifetime of an ordinary person like you or me. Most people misinterpret history to be the study of only the major happenings that they forget about the little things that sometimes make the bigger things happen. History is all about the great human experience and what was done during one's existence or even after one's existence. After someone dies, there is still history occurring. Sometimes we forget some history and other history just takes its place which is not good. The Harrapen society is an example. They were very technologically advanced, by creating public sewer facilities, but then historians could not find any other information on the civilization. This happens often in history where something causes something to happen and an effect occurs that results in unknown knowledge. This is not good because we forgot the good events that have shaped our society today. If the Harrapans had not created the public waste facilities then we might have not had toilets till much later.

There are four types of theories about history. The first one is the linear theory that history keeps going in a straight line. An example of this would be the birth or death of a person. There is a definite beginning and end in the person's history. The second is cyclic theory that explains the major forces, such as religion, curiosity, and science that motivate humans’ actions. It goes in a circle. The events recur again and again. Such as, waking up in the morning and eating breakfast, go through your day, go to bed, and then wake up again. Everything goes through the motions and repeats itself. The third theory is the Vortex theory. This theory states that history repeats itself over again. It goes from big to small, and then small too big. The last theory, the Hegal theory, is in my opinion, the best theory. Hegal states that there were two events that create a result. Or, in other words, a thesis + antithesis= synthesis. Everything that happens in the world happens because it was caused to occur. Whether that be someone pushed a ball to knock over a plant which caused the plant to break or Hitler was planning to kill all the Jews. Hitler's actions to take over Germany caused the United States to step in and help put an end to the carnage. With the Cyclic theory, there is even causes and effects to why you worship the God you do or why you are curious about that certain smell. You could worship that certain God because someone influenced you or his hair appeals to you. The effects could vary too. Since you worship this God, your attitude about life can be changed or you got your hair cut a different way. Whatever it is, there is a cause behind it. You could be curious about a certain smell because you are hungry or because it does not smell good, but again your curiosity is caused by something. Your curiosity effects you because now you are either hungry or you really want to get out of the room because of the smell. The vortex theory also has causes and effects. An example of this is the quote, "Life has its ups and downs". This is used in every day talk about different things in general. The life's ups may include getting into college, getting married, or getting an "A" on a math test. The downs of live may include breaking your arm, failing a test, or losing a friend. This is a very big quote that is true for many people. Sometimes, people go through many hardships that are hard to go through by themselves. These hard ships,however, are caused by some sort of event whether that be not studying for the test or getting a fantastic scholarship to the college you decided to go to. Hegal affects the vortex theory in many different ways.

Every single theory on history is legitimate and well thought up. However, one should not choose just one because you can use each one in better ways than you can not use another one. Take for example the Roman Empire again. We could very well use the Vortex theory to see how it has changed over the years from powerful to weak, but the Hegal theory shows why these changes in power happened. Another example is compared with linear and hegal. The linear theory shows events happening in a straight line with a beginning and an end. The Hegal theory can prove to someone the events that had happened to lead up to the end. These events include if the person went to college and what kind of job they had after college and then how the person died, which led to their end.

The four theories of history help historians to discover new information. The theories all work together to help the historians to find new artifacts or new information on a person.To choose just one theory to be the best is very hard, but all in all I say the Hegal theory. The Hegal most obviously works in every single one of the other theories to help make it better. Every event causes another event that causes something to happen. This happens in every day life almost every second. The Hegal theory makes it easier for me and most likely many other people to understand their favorite type of history. It shows that every cause has a reaction and the reaction causes other events to happen.

Jan 28.

Invention of a Lifetime

If I invented an item that could help millions of people quickly, I would act on it immediately. It would be nice to be well known and rich for it later, but millions of people could possibly be dead. If all those people died, it would practically wipe out our whole country and there would be no one else to help when I could secure a patent. To wait until later would be very selfish and would do nothing to help anyone. Instead, I would be very happy to help someone when I discovered the invention. I would be doing a good deed that could save our nation. Plus, by saving all those people, I would probably be famous and rich due to the invention.

Domestication and Agriculture

Neo- New

Domestication and Agriculture

When people stop chasing animals, settle in one place and raise crops and livestock.There is also art.
Domesticated dogs for food-found remains of ancient dogs with butchery marks. Realized they dont taste good and that they can help them.

Since they settled in one spot they have houses, food source, crops. They start to trade because of there good qualities like hunting.

Mesopotamia- Meso-middle potomus-river- middle of two rivers...Where people settled near water sources

Tell-mound created where human strucures are buried

Religions are organized. Go to temples with high priests.
When people settle down they get art, commerce, organized religion, civilization

Monday, January 25, 2010


Megaliths are large stone structures that are used for religious activities. These activities include burials and astronomical oberservations. Some of these structures, such as the Ill Longue, has a chamber with a dome and a passage facing pieces of rocks.

Rise of Agriculture

The rise of agriculture in Western and Central Europe was very big. It caused them to change their culture in different ways. Early farmers make pottery with linear ornaments on them. They are greatly varied between regions. In northwestern Europe there are groups that create monumental burial places. With the new ox-drawn plow, the farmers clear forests to make room for larger fields and places to bury their honored cows. Some potters in Atlantic Europe and Great Britain and Ireland make vessels that are buried in tombs that belong to warriors that have a greater mobility than their ancestors. Another example, is the Unitice culture. In their cemeteries, there are no mounds, but flat burial places. The people are usually buried according to their gender and the respect they have.


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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hegal Theory

Everything in History happens for a reason. Something caused something to do something which produced a result. The result causes something else which produces another result and so on. This is called the Hegal theory. This theory proves why something happened. An event couldn't have occurred if there wasn't another event that produced it to be there. If a book drops from a table it had to be caused by something. Whether it be someone dropped it or it was pushed or it slid by itself. It happened becaused an event caused it to.

Theory's of History

First concept of history: Its linear- goes from before years to years now or the other way.
Cyclic History: theory that dictates the major forces that motivate human actions return in a cycle. Sort of based on Buddhist religion of incarnation
forces- religion/spirituality, politics, science, philosophy, curiosity, creativity
Hegel: didn't think it was linear or cyclic. He thought history was made that things conflicted with each other and caused a change.
Theory: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis (Two events produce a result) Thesis is event one. Antithesis is event 2. Produce Synthesis which produces another result and other thesis.

Theory Project

II. Event 3: John gets badly injured and tries to get home
III. Event 1 : John comes home with cuts and bruises.
Events 2: Mother finds out he was bullying kids.
Events 3: He gets sent to boarding school has a punishment.

4th Theory Vorextual History: Go from big to small, and then back to big.
Ex. Civilization goes from big to small, and then back.
Roman empire starts from nothing becomes big, falls, and then through Renaissance comes back to big.

**Erase later*** Yesterday, I went to school, then went to basketball practice, and then played in the JV scrimage. ***