Thursday, April 29, 2010

What do you think?

People view things differently when they glance at something. They make a judgment quickly about People view things differently when they glance at something. They make a judgment quickly about what it is they just saw. Whether it be a type of food or someone who just walked by you. A homeless person would probably think that the food looked really delicious while an upper class person would look at it and shrug. Someone who is lonely would look at the person walking by and think maybe they could be a friend, but a popular person would just think it was just another random person. Their thoughts vary. People of different classes think differently because of how they grew up and their perspective on what comes before them.

During the Medieval times knights were one of the more powerful classes. Knights thought that the common people should just farm the land and do all of the work ("Feudalism"). Also, they thought that whatever you were born into is where you will stay the rest of your life ("Feudalism"). So if you were born a serf, you stayed one and if you were born into a noble family then you were a noble and stayed one till you die. Knights also thought that knighthood was not all about fighting and glory ("Knighthood"). It was also about chivalry and respecting the other people ("Knighthood). Knights are faithful to their lord and will never do anything that is unfaithful to him or that makes him angry ("Medieval"). Knights thought that they were above everyone and could do what they wanted.

Merchants were a class of the medieval times that sold goods to other people. They thought differently from the knights. They traveled a lot to sell goods and they thought it was very uncomfortable and dangerous ("Trade"). If they were shipwrecked out in the ocean they would basically be left for dead because no one would know where they were ("Trade"). Merchants thought that knights stayed unmarried for their life and just went after every girl that they saw ("Chaucer's"). Chaucer tells of a knight who was wealthy, but was unwedded and wanted a wife. Merchants believe that knights are full of themselves and only go after women instead of doing work like them or common people.

Nuns were a very simple class that did not really ask for much. They thought they did not need much living in the life of God. Nuns thought it was better to be single and to eat and dress in simple attire ("Church"). Nuns obeyed their superiors and prayed every day ("Church"). Nuns also thought that by going on pilgrimages, that their prayers would be more powerful and help heal people better ("Church"). Nuns also believe that you should live "with resolute intent" and not be lazy ("Chaucer's").

Peasants were the last social group of this medieval time. They also, thought differently from each other class. Peasants were the working force of the world ("Roles"). They fixed and farmed and did the work of their masters ("Roles"). Peasants were also expected to give part of their crop to their lords and tax to the church ("Roles"). They did not like this at all. If they did not have a good crop that year, then their family might starve to death in the winter months ("Roles"). The peasants thought that they were doing to much work on the farms and they were getting tired of it ( "Froissart"). They decided to revolt against the king and try to end their slavery ( "Froissart").

People think of everything very differently from everyone else. Merchants were very jealous of the knights who thought that they were better than everyone else. The peasants were at the bottom and hated being treated like they were at the bottom even though there was no more slavery. By being in the class they were born into, they each viewed their lives differently from the next class.

Froissart: Beginning of the English Peasant Revolt." Nipissing University. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

"The Church." Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

"Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by ELF." Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by The Electronic Literature Foundation. Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

"Roles and Rights of A Peasant." Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

"File:Abbedissa, Nordisk Familjebok.png." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.,_Nordisk_familjebok.png.

"Feudalism." Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

"Knighthood." Web. 30 Apr. 2010.

"Medieval Sourcebook: "Feudal" Oaths of Fidelity." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

"Trade and Travel in the Middle Ages." Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

"Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by ELF." Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by The Electronic Literature Foundation. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

"The Church." Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

"Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by ELF." Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ~ Presented by The Electronic Literature Foundation. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. .

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Middle Ages

The Muslims had control over Jerusalem in the eastern empire. Europe however, fell into a period of darkness where there was no knowledge coming in. The Muslims were gaining knowledge fast though. The church of Europe wanted to have control over Jerusalem so they sent 3 Crusades to try and gain it. Instead of having control over it they just lost the knowledge that they could have had. While the Muslims were prospering, the Europeans went into darkness.

"Middle Ages." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.

"File:Crusader Cavalry.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.


  • 1066- Battle of Hastings
  • 1086-Doomsday Book
  • 1087-1100- King William Rufus invades Wales and builds castles
  • 1100-1135- Williams brother becomes King
  • 1135-1154- King Stephan, 1099- first Crusade where Jerusalem is re-taken from the muslims on the urging of Pope Urban II, 1118 - knights Templar is founded to protect jerusalem and european pilgrims on their journey, 1147- second crusade
  • 1154-1189-- reign of Henry the second, 1184- the Inquisitions begin-- they try to convert Jews and convert heritics(anyone who is saying stuff bad about the church) infamous in Spain (Spanish Inquisition)
  • 1189-1199--King John- Died in the Crusades, 1190- the third crusade, Saladin united all the muslims to fight in the crusades, they recapture jerusalem and kick out hte europeans
  • 1199-1216--reign of King John, he wasn't liked, 1200- he starts the 4th crusade resulting in the sack of constantinople, 1212- the childrens crusade, 1215/1215 the barrons revolt and in *1215 there is the signing of the magna carta- forced King John that the monarch has to play by the rule of law, before the kings were above the law, but now they are not -foundation of the Constinutional democracy
  • 1216-1272-King Henry the III--1258 the provisions of Oxford, had to find a new form of government in England,
  • 1272-1307--King Edward II- 1273- Rudolph I of germany elected the holy roman emperor, 1274- thomas aquinas createds the Summa Theologiae, 1295- Marco Polo publishes his tales of china, 1297-William Wallace emerges as Scottish leader
  • 1307-1327--King Edward II- 1307-knights templar rounded up and murdered by Philip the Fair of france with the backing of the Pope, people thought they were becoming too powerful, 1311-1315 - the great famine
  • 1327-1377--King Edward II-the 100 year starts between the french and english, they both become stronger than italy because they are unified..1st part of war- edwardian war (1337-1360) 2nd Caroline war (1369-1389) 3rd lancastrian war (1415-1429), 1347 the black death
  • 1377-1399--King Richard II-1380 chauncer wrote the canterbury tales

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

12th Century Renaissance

The 12th Century was a time of change. The social, political, and economic parts of the ccentury changed into more of science and philosophical time. As a result there was the Italian Renaissance. During this time the Gothic and Romanesque architectures were very popular on buildings. During this time the philosophical and scienctific teachings were influenced by Latin. Also, in the 12th century the technology was more advanced. Paper manufacturing began in Italy and eyeglasses were also invented.

"Renaissance of the 12th Century." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 28 Apr. 2010.

"File:Eyeglasses.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 28 Apr. 2010.

Monday, April 26, 2010

French Buildings

French Gothic buildings are usually taller and have large towers. In the west window there is three portals and a rose window. English Cathedrals are longer and are very horizontal. They have double transepts projecting strongly. The West window is very large and will never be a rose. Sometimes, they have similar like towers to the French Cathedrals.

The first picture is of the Cathedral of Limoges and the second picture is of Notre dame de Paris. They both are very large and have tall towers. However, in the England one, there is a Rose window, but there is not one in the French one.

The first picture is of the Rouen Cathedral of France. The second picture is of the Salisbury Cathedral in England. The architect is similar, but the English one has larger windows and the arches are pointier.

The first picture is of the Sainte Chappelle of England. The second is Coutances Cathedral in France. They both have very large beautiful stained glass windows.

"Gothic Architecture." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .

"File:Notre-dame-de-paris Nuit F.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .

"File:Limoges Cathédrale Saint Etienne.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .

"File:France Rouen Cathedral Facade A.JPG." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .

"File:Cathedrale De Coutances Bordercropped.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. .


  • Kingdom of France- split between barrons and dukes
  • In England-ruled by Normans
  • Capetians had a close tie with the church
  • Gothic architecture going to England
  • 8th century Spain occupied
  • Muslims ruled country for 700 years
  • Library of Alexandria burned- tkaen over by constantinople- knowledge is gone
  • Knowledge base of western europe is shrunk
  • mistake of crusades- the goal of getting jerusalem was bad..they just made the muslims their enemies..for 700 years they cut out that part of the year that they needed
  • Result--plunged Europe into a dark age...but the other part of the world is going through a Renaissance-they have the works of Aristotle
  • In Europe- we have a fear of the unknown
  • They realized that the other people had Aristotle and they were just wasting their time
  • Aristotle demonstrated that logic defeats superstition
  • 2. anglosaxons bring christianity-religous significant- latin

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can you 'read' a building?

Many different buildings are built on this earth to portray the beliefs of the time period. Romanesque architecture and Gothic architecture were types of buildings that were built and show either the life and hope or the dark and despair. The Romanesque showed dark and despair while the Gothic showed life and hope. Romanesque architecture dated to about 1000 to 1150 until Gothic architecture started to take over. By looking at a building in this time period today, we can "read" the building and see what each building was about.

Romanesque architecture was used in the 12th Century. This type of architecture was used as fortresses. They were built big and strong. When cities were attacked the people would run and hide in cathedrals. Also, in these churches, there were pictures of judgment day outside of the door walking in. Most of the buildings had large stone pillars, small windows, towers, and round arches to keep the roof up ("Romanesque”). There were different variations of this architecture. The Burgundian Romanesque architecture had tall proportions elaborate decorations, pointed arches in the barrel vaults and early forms of rib vaulting and flying buttresses ("Romanesque”). The Cistercian Romanesque architecture did not believe in all the decorations in the churches ("Romanesque”). They thought it was a distraction to the monks and worshippers ("Romanesque”). The churches had round arches and no sculptures ("Romanesque”). However, they were still beautiful. The last type of Romanesque architecture is the Norman. The Normans used geometric decorations in their churches ("Romanesque”). Also, they had figurative sculptures ("Romanesque”). These three types of Romanesque cultures, are all different, but very similar with beauty.
Gothic architecture was used after the Romanesque period. Gothic architecture was a lot more open and free with many stained glass windows. The buildings had many, high windows and arches instead of the large massive fortresses of the Romanesque times. One of the leaders of the Gothic times was an abbot of St. Denis ("Medieval"). The abbey church was run down so he decided to rebuild it and make it new again ("Medieval") . To make it better, he made it bigger and full of light ("Medieval"). He created huge windows made of stained glass ("Medieval").. He also built a huge choir in the church ("Medieval"). When the choir was built, many archbishops and bishops came to be in the ceremony ("Medieval"). The French bishops and archbishops were some of the main leaders of the movement to go Gothic ("Medieval"). The abbot was fascinated with light, so he built what he loved ("Medieval"). He did not create this piece of art to start the movement, but in the end, he was one of the leaders.
Both of these two types of architectures are very easy to read just by looking at them. They each show distinctive traits that make it very easy to identify which part of the past they were a part of. Romanesque architecture show they are very protective and want to play it safe just in case an attack might occur and they need to go into a safe place. The Gothic architectures are all about light and hope. Their many gorgeous windows let light in and portray the symbolism of hope that Jesus will come again. Pictures of judgment day cover these buildings to show their belief toward Jesus Christ also. Both these wonderful architectures are seen in the beautiful buildings that are built with their style.

"Medieval Sourcebook: Abbot Suger on His Administration." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 22 Apr. 2010.

"Romanesque Architecture - Sacred Desitnations Guide to Romanesque Architecture." Sacred Sites at Sacred Destinations - Explore Sacred Sites, Religious Sites, Sacred Places. Web. 22 Apr. 2010.

"File:All Saints Church, Eaton Road, Hove 07.JPG." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Apr. 2010.,_Eaton_Road,_Hove_07.JPG

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


During this time they tried to bring back the thinking of Plato and Aristotle. Most was about Aristotle, but there was still thoughts of Plato. They wanted to understand the human and the divine better. Avicenna, an Arab philospher said imagination was more important then intellect, but the people of the west say that imagination must be under control by intellect. Imagination is essential to see the difference between reality and transcendent reality ("Imagination").

"Imagination - Medieval And Renaissance Views". 22 Apr. 2010.

"File:Platon Altes Museum2.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 21 Apr. 2010.

Short Story

It was the year 3013. Flying cars were...flying. and robots were at every street corner. Everyone owned a robot to do household activities or just to have as a friend. The robots went everywhere that their owner went. To the mall, to the restaurant, to the bathroom. Everywhere. To keep the robots nice and clean, they put a certain kind of oil on them. All of a sudden people just started to drop off the face of the earth without a reason. There seemed to be no cause. One day they were living happily with their robot and then BAM ! they were gone. People's loved ones were waking up to see the cold, body of the dead. Screaming, at the insanity. Everyone was running outside in circles creating mobs and even killing eachother. Blaming everyone else for the problem. Know one knew that it was the cause of the robots. This plague lasted for 4 years. On the 5th year the robots all of a sudden started going absolutly crazy. This created more chaos and more deaths then before. Scientists, that were still alive, started doing tests and finally found out that the oil that was put on the robots were the killers of everyone. The oil was lethal to humans and eventually made the robots crazy. The military had to suit up and come and take all the robots away and dump them in a combine to crush them. The earth was left with fires burning everywhere and people's bodies slewed on it.


  • Plague started in black rat's blood stream
  • within 8 years reached crimea
  • used the soldiers infected with the plaugue to infect the place they had a siege on
  • poisoned water supply
  • 1347- they reached a harbor in Sicily..the rats came off the ship and the black death went to Europe
  • people looked toward their priests
  • whoever touches or is in contact with the person who has the plauge soon dies
  • blisters, boils on arms and knecks...they got really the 4th day you were dead
  • buried people outside the city walls
  • ships with rats and cargos was the fastest way to spread the disease
  • people said that they should start fires to burn the plague..when it neared the Pope they built huge fires
  • the heat kept the rats and fleas away
  • the Pope fell ill and tried to heal himself- he put heat on himself and tried to draw blood..he recovered
  • 2 types of plague-pneomonic (worse) and bionomic
  • flagulence inflicted themselves with pain to try and get God to stop the plague
  • Jews were massacred
  • the movement stopped
  • 1350- the plague stopped
  • killed 1/3 of europes population
  • Turning Point of Europe
  • fleas transmitted the disease from the rats with a bite
  • The church let doctrines take apart the bodies
  • People believed in God more- but they had little faith in the church *

Monday, April 19, 2010


They became centers of learning because the monks had to know how to read and write. It was a basic skill to be able to do these in the monastery ("Medieval"). They needed to be able to read and write so they could write the scriptures.

"Medieval Monasteries." History Learning Site. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.
"File:Catholic Church of St. Francis Ksaver, Monastery of Jesuits, MahiloÅ­.jpg - Wikimedia Commons." Main Page - Wikimedia Commons. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.


Leadership is a natural thing that people have. Some people are born with it and some people can learn to obtain it. To be a leader, you do not necissarily be good at what your doing, but able to teach it. Leadership is not about having power either. Good leaders are helpful and do not overuse the power they have. You can be a leader of an Army like Alexander the Great or a sports team. People look up to leaders to help them because they have a certain aura around them. Leaders carry themselves with dignity. Some people are not ment to be leaders and follow the leaders. Followers are not a bad thing. Alexander was born great and had the power to lead others around him. There are leaders in the world and then there are followers. Leaders should be good role models to the followers and give them someone to look up too.

"File:AlexanderTheGreat Bust.jpg - Wikimedia Commons." Main Page - Wikimedia Commons. Web. 19 Apr. 2010.

Friday, April 16, 2010


  • Dynasty emerges in France called Caperians- family that brings the french throne out
  • gained power by supporting the church
  • helped church by building abbeys and monasteries-centers of learning, books copied
  • they begin writing on animal hides- called manuscripts
  • 1095- Pope orders the first crusade- want to kick out the Muslims..end Europeans soldiers to fight in Jerusalem-FAIL- they get wiped out
  • Romanesque Art
  • cathedrals built like fortresses-people hid in there when they were attacked
  • inside the cathedral was images on judgement day
  • 12th Century- Gothic Century- opposite of romanesque- stained glass-all about the light of the world and Hope-rose window in the entrance

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I think all humans are different from each other. Some people like to be free from all the laws and from what other people are doing, but some people need to have laws and to be around people to function properly. Everyone is different though. Laws help us to stay in line, but they still allow us to be free to be who we want to be. Most teenagers have the "innate instinct" to be free from what adults tell them to do or how to act. When people are captive though, they also have the instict to get away and to be free. Everyone has a part of them to be free from everyone else.

"File:Harriet Tubman.jpg - Wikimedia Commons." Main Page - Wikimedia Commons. Web. 15 Apr. 2010.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Power and Equality

The people of the Medieval times were very segregated. They believed that whatever class you were born into was where you would stay until you die. Peasants were not equal to the aristocrats and instead had to work for them. The bishop of Constance called together serfs to tell them they should choose a task, such as a carpenter, miller, gardener, or cobbler and work for an estate for the rest of their life. The Constance also told them that if they died their inheritance would be passed down to their heir, but if someone else inherited the land then they wouldn't have their gifts.

"Medieval Sourcebook: Gebhard, Bishop of Constance: Allocation of Serfs to Crafts,990." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

"File:Kulikov In a Peasant's House.jpg - Wikimedia Commons." Main Page - Wikimedia Commons. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.


  • Boys sold as slaves and girls were made maid servants.
  • What you were born into is what you died as.
  • 5% Clergy- priest and monks
  • 5% Aristocrats- knights, lords/ladies,nobles
  • 90%- Serfs who worked for the rest of everyone
  • Value of life was determined by what class you were- Peasants worth the less
  • The Serf was tied to the land they...if you tried to escape you were punished

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gothic Architecture

Gothic architecture didn't reflect a change in Church theology. The people did not view their religion differently because of the architecture that was created to be put in their churches.They added tall windows and tall towers. The churches of this era were also built bigger because they had more money.

"Gothic Church Architecture." History Learning Site. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.

File:Saints-Michel-et-Gudule Luc Viatour.jpg - Wikimedia Commons." Main Page - Wikimedia Commons. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cluniac Reform

During the time period of the Cluniac Reforms where they tried to bring back the old life. Art and caring for the poor were practiced. During this time period fabrics, tapestries, stained glass and alters of gold were brought into the church.

"Cluniac Reforms - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia." Main Page - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.

"File:Cluniac Monk.jpg - Wikimedia Commons." Main Page - Wikimedia Commons. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.