Monday, March 1, 2010


Aeneas-Last surviving warrior of Troy brings family to Africa then to Italy. Arrived at Carthage. The queen Dido and Aeneas fall in love. Wasn't part of his destiny so he leaves and Dido kills herself because she cant have him.
Latiums and Trojans have a war where the Trojans win. Make the city of Alba Longa, but Rome is not yet founded.
Romulus and Remus had sibling rivalry and declare war on each other. Romulus wins and makes the city of Rome.Alba Longa is no longer the capitol. The Etruscan's lived north of Rome and the kings ruled Rome for several generations. Tarquin the 6th rapes the wife of a Roman nobleman. He sets off a revolt in Rome to the Etruscans kings. Lucius Junius Brutus leads the revolt. He becomes the man to establish the Roman Republic in 509 B.C.
The Tribune of the Plebs- the seat where a Plebe sits in the senate. He has the Veto power.
Rome decides to march through northern Italy and conquers. If Rome conquered you, they set up a governor, person to collect taxes, and a battalion. They would also get young males from the city to join the Roman army. If they made it through 30 years then they would get a plot of land.
Epirus- the king is Pyrrhus-he decides to invade Rome. He defeated the Roman army in almost every single battle, but he cannot win the war. Pyrrhus loses to many people, so he turns around and goes back home. Rome becomes a somebody.First of Punic Wars. Three of them against Carthage.
264 B.C- Rome allies complain about Carthagians. Winds up in a war against Carthage. Whoever controls the triangle controls the trade routes. Rome finally controls it.
2nd Punic war will establish identity for next century.

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